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New Atten Round

New Atten Round

New Atten
New Atten in 5 styles
New Atten Round in 5 styles
New Atten Italic in 5 styles
New Atten Round Italic in 5 styles

I found inspiration for this design in a voice—that of world-renowned broadcaster and naturalist Sir David Attenborough.

When I was young my paper route led past the pond where Attenborough discovered his fascination with the natural world, and, like so many other Britons, I grew up with Attenborough’s natural-history programs. His gentle, measured diction became a key part of family life and an indelible part of the fabric of British society and culture.

While enjoying a documentary one day, I realised that Attenborough’s delivery had the precise qualities that I was aiming for in a new and then un-named typeface. I wanted to achieve a noticeable charm and a personable tone, while still preserving the integrity of the text. Now I had my archetype and a name for the design – Atten.

The design had began as part of a deep exploration of rounded typefaces, and with New Atten I infused as much long text reading comfort into a rounded sans serif as possible. The humanistic structure and classical capital proportions are timeless. Punctuation and symbols are optimised for text sizes, and our Accessibility Set™ includes differentiating forms for capital ‘I’ and lowercase ‘l’, and when combined with the Stylistic Set 2’s infant ‘a’ and ‘g’ make a New Atten an excellent choice for children’s books. Stylistic Set 3 adds the elegantly minimal 1 seen in Edward Johnston’s London Transport typeface.

We believe New Atten Round to be the only rounded monolinea sans suitable for extended reading.






Consul et de re publica sententiam rogo et, quos ferro trucidari adflictantur, sic hic morbus, qui est in re publica, relevatus istius vigiliis esse munitam? Neque hi

Fugam meditere, tu ut ullum exilium cogites? Utinam tibi istam persaepe etiam privati in hac re publica perniciosos cives morte ad me salutatum mane miseras

Neque hi solum, quorum tibi auctoritas est videlicet cara, vita tantis rei publicae periculis me non dissolutum videri, sed iam autem ista mala consilia contra salutem

Inpunita fuit ac libera, tu non solum ad neglegendas leges et quae mihi vita mea multo est carior, si cuncta Italia, si omnis tecum loquar, non ut odio permotus esse

Meis moribus, et tamen faciam, ut intellegas, quid de te hi tanti, dum modo ista sit privata calamitas et a rei publicae adflictantur, sic hic morbus, qui est in re

Larus marinus
Black Mountain College was an experimental college founded in 1933 by John Andrew Rice, Theodore Dreier, and several others. Based in Black Mountain, North Carolina, the school was ideologically organized around John Dewey’s principles of education, which emphasized holistic learning and the study of art as central to a liberal arts education. Many of the school’s faculty and students were or would go on to become highly influential in the arts, including Josef and Anni Albers, Charles Olson, Ruth Asawa, Max Dehn, Walter Gropius, Ray Johnson, Robert Motherwell, Dorothea Rockburne, Cy Twombly, Robert Rauschenberg, Susan Weil, Merce Cunningham, John Cage, Buckminster Fuller, Franz Kline, Aaron Siskind, Willem and Elaine de Kooning, and Mary Caroline Richards. Although it was quite notable during its lifetime, the school closed in 1957 after 24 years due to funding issues; Camp Rockmont for Boys now sits on the campus' site. The history and legacy of Black Mountain College are preserved and extended by the Black Mountain College Museum + Arts Center located in downtown Asheville, North Carolina.

Haliaeetus albicilla
The community grew in reputation and size, accelerated by media attention, including news reports on national television networks. Gene “Curly” Bernofsky later wrote that nationwide attention contributed to the commune’s demise. The peak of Drop City’s fame was the Joy Festival in June 1967, which attracted hundreds of hippies, some of whom stayed on. Matthews writes that Bernofsky hid in his dome throughout the Joy Festival, and quit, disgusted, the very next day. With the complex of eight domes and geometric buildings constructed, Curly and Jo, the only official owners of the property, signed it over to a non-profit corporation consisting of the entire core group. The deed stipulated that the land was “forever free and open to all people”. But tensions and personality conflicts were already a problem within the group, and soon became unbearable. By the end of 1968, some of the original occupants of the community had moved to Boulder, Colorado, to start an artists’ cooperative, “Criss-Cross”, whose purpose, like Drop City’s, was to function in a “synergetic” interaction between peers to create experimental artistic innovation.

Archilochus colubris
After 1972, the catalog was published sporadically. An important shift in philosophy in the Catalogs occurred in the early 1970s, when Brand decided that the early stance of emphasizing individualism should be replaced with one favoring community. He had originally written that “a realm of intimate, personal power is developing”; regarding this as important in some respects, Brand felt that the overarching project of humankind had more to do with living within natural systems, and this is something we do in common, interactively. The broad interpretation of “tool” coincided with that given by the designer, philosopher, and engineer Buckminster Fuller, though another thinker admired by Brand and some of his cohorts was Lewis Mumford, who had written about words as tools. Early editions reflected the considerable influence of Fuller, particularly his teachings about “whole systems,” “synergetics,” and efficiency or reducing waste. By 1971, Brand and his co-workers were already questioning whether Fuller's sense of direction might be too anthropocentric. New information arising in fields like ecology and biospherics was persuasive.







Consul et de re publica sententiam rogo et, quos ferro trucidari adflictantur, sic hic morbus, qui est in re publica, relevatus istius vigiliis esse munitam? Nihil agis, nihil moliris, nihil cogitas, quod non auctoritate multi non solum improbi, verum etiam inperiti, si in hunc

Fugam meditere, tu ut ullum exilium cogites? Utinam tibi istam persaepe etiam privati in hac re publica perniciosos cives morte ad me salutatum mane miseras, cum illi ipsi venissent, quos ego iam relevati, periculum autem residebit et erit inclusum penitus in venis

Neque hi solum, quorum tibi auctoritas est videlicet cara, vita tantis rei publicae periculis me non dissolutum videri, sed iam autem ista mala consilia contra salutem rei publicae a coniuratis meditere, tu ut ullum exilium cogites? Utinam tibi istam mentem

Inpunita fuit ac libera, tu non solum ad neglegendas leges et quae mihi vita mea multo est carior, si cuncta Italia, si omnis tecum loquar, non ut odio permotus esse videar, quo debeo, sed sociorum inpunita fuit ac libera; tu non solum ad neglegendas

Meis moribus, et tamen faciam, ut intellegas, quid de te hi tanti, dum modo ista sit privata calamitas et a rei publicae adflictantur, sic hic morbus, qui est in re publica, relevatus quibus abs te initiata sacris ac devota sit, nescio, quod eam